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Author: ICAL KARIM / Labels:

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Please get to know me first:

Moch. Faisal

Personal Data
Name Moch Faisal Karim (Ical)
Place of Birth : Padang, Indonesia
Date of Birth : November 13rd, 1987

Gender : Male
Nationality : Indonesian
Contact Address : Jl. Adhi Karya No.1 Depok West Java
16431, Indonesia
Phone : +62 856 977 444 50
Email Address :

Educational Information
University : University of Indonesia
Faculty : Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics
Field of Study/Cluster : International Relations (regular) /
Non-Conventional Issues and Trans-national Society
Entrance year : 2005
Semester/GPA : 5/3.45
TOEFL : 560

Article and Book Published
1. Article Published on “Koran Tempo”, January 21st 2007; title: Menuju Masyarakat Pascaruang.
2. Article published on “Koran Tempo”, February 3rd. 2007; title: Les Bourgeouis de Indonesia.
3. Article Published on Book entitled Jepang di Mata anak Muda ASEAN, first published june 2007; title: Invansi Pop Culture: Dilema Budaya Jepang di Era Globalisasi.
4. Article published on; title: Gerakan Mahasiswa diambang Kehancuran, December 2006-February 2007.
5. Book Entitled “Kiamat Sudah Dekat”. Coming soon. In publisher Pro-U Media.

Speaker and Moderator Experience
1. As a Speaker in Seminar “Democrats Muslim, Democratization, and International Politic Agenda in Indonesia”, held by KSM Eka Prasetya UI in PSJ UI, November 30th, 2007.
2. As a Speaker in Supercamp Excellent with theme “Youth and Globalization” held by Center for Youth Education and Acceleration (Excellent), September 3rd 2007
As a Speaker in Discussion themed “Cyberspace dan Realitas Pascaruang”, hled by KSM Eka Prasetya UI, February, 16th 2007
As a Speaker in discussion themed “Youth and Movement” held by Student Executive Board, Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta, November 2006.
As a Speaker in session think critically on Pre-Student Strategic Leadership Training held by Student Executive Board, University of Indonesia, February 2007.
As moderator in discussion themed “Foreign Debt and scheme for Student to overcome it” held by Centre for Movement Studies Student Executive Board, Univeristy of Indonesia and Koalisi Anti Utang, Agustus 2006.
As Moderator in Seminar themed “History of contemporary Thought” on Student Strategic Leadership Training held by Student Executive Board, University of Indonesia, March 2007.
As moderator in Seminar themed “From Citizen to Consumer held by PPSDMS Nurul Fikri. The Speaker is Patra M. Zen, the Director of YLBHI, August 2007.

Organizational Experience
1. Chairman of Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Eka Prasetya Universitas Indonesia (KSM EP UI)/ University of Indonesia Student Research Group 2008.
2. Chief of Department of Studies, Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Eka Prasetya Universitas Indonesia (KSM EP UI)/ University of Indonesia Student Research Group, August 2007-December 2007.
3. Special Staff of President of Student Executive Board University of Indonesia/ Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa UI, July 2006- July 2007.
4. Expert Researcher on Social Political and Globalization issues in Centre for Movement Studies Student Executive Board University of Indonesia/ PUSGERAK BEM UI, July 2006-July 2007.
5. Chairman of Department of Event Organizer Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) FISIP UI/ Islamic Student Association, December 2006-December 2007.
6. Staff of Research and Development Bureu Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional (HMHI UI)/ International Relations’ Student Association, July 2005- July 2006.
7. Islamic Study Forum Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics University of Indonesia 2005-2006.

Extra Organizational Experience
1. Research Manager in SYNDROM (Syndicate for Indonesia Transformation)
2. Coordinator of Alternative Community
3. Researcher in CONFRONT (Centre for Freedom and Social Transformation)

Community Involvement Experience
1. Delegate from International Relations Department Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics for UNFCCC COP-13 Bali Conference December 3-10th 2007.
2. As a supervisor in Social and Environment Campaign held by Student Executive Board UI, in order to celebrate Earth Day April 22nd 2007
3. Conceiver and Assessment team for UI Community Development in Leuwinanggung 2006-2007.
4. As a conceiver and Investor in Eco-Culinary, Warung Ijo Stal. Educating Society through Food Business. 2008
5. Jakarta Warming: Environmental Campaign in Bunderan HI, November 3rd 2007 organized by HMHI UI, supported by WWF.
6. Project for New Management System in Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics, Individual Project for Global Environmental Politics Cource.
7. Enginering and conseptualizing demonstration against neoliberalism held by Student executive Board University of Indonesia. 2006
8. Enginering and conseptualizing Demonstration against Bush visiting Indonesia held by Student Executive Board University of Indonesia. 2007
9. Enginering and conseptualizing demonstration in demanding truly Democracy (may 2007).
10. Representing BEM UI hearing with House of Representative (DPR-RI) about RUU BHP, (May, 22nd 2007)

Organizing/ Ad Hoc Committee Experience
1. Supervisor for National Seminar entitled “Seminar Nasional Strategi Pembangunan Industri Migas Nasional Perspektif Corporate Social Responsibility dan Lingkungan Hidup” held by KSM Eka Prasetya UI, July 18th 2007.
2. Supervisor for National Seminar entitled “Muslim Demokrat, Wacana Demokratisasi, dan Agenda Besar Politik Internasional di Indonesia” held by KSM Eka Prasetya UI, November 30th 2007.
3. Project Officer for Islamic Basic Training held by HMI FISIP UI, December 2006.

Award and Achievement
1. Third Winner of Paper Writing Competition (LIMAS FISIP UI) Held by BEM FISIP UI/ Student Executive Board Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics University of Indonesia.
2. Second Winner of Essay Writing Competition about Japan held by Japan Foundation and HISKI (with Certificate) 2007.
3. Third Winner of Paper Writing Competition About Japan held by ASJI (Asosiasi Studi Jepang Indonesia) 2006.
4. Participant in Human Resource Development Program (PPSDMS) Nurul Fikri 2006-2008.
5. First winner of East Jakarta Debating competition held by 81st Public High School, East Jakarta (2005).
6. Most Outstanding Student 54th High School, East Jakarta (2005).

Research Involvement
1. Researcher for research about “The Role of American Field Service Youth Exchange Student (AFS-YES) Program as Instrument for United States Foreign Policy in Order to Increase US Productive Power in Indonesia 2002-2006”
2. Researcher for research entitled “The Impact of the Opening of International Class Program toward Civic Education in High School in Indonesia: Case Study SMAN 1 Bogor”.
3. Researcher for research entitled “Evaluaton of the Effectiveness SIPESAT Programe launched by Depok City”, held by KSM Eka Prasetya University of Indonesia
4. researcher for marketing research entitled “Evaluating Society’s Perception about the network provided by Erickson 2007”, held by KSM Eka Prasetya UI. 2008.

Courses and Training
1. National Leadership Education I held by Strategic Human Resource Development Program Nurul Fikri.
2. National Leadership Education II held by Strategic Human Resource Development Program Nurul Fikri.
3. Training “GOLD GENERATION II” ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Quotient), held by ESQ Leaderhip Centre, May 5-6th, 2007.
4. Islamic Basic Training HMI FISIP UI 2006.
5. Self Development Training held by PPSDMS Nurul Fikri 2006-2008.
6. Journalistic Training held by PPSDMS Nurul Fikri 2006-2008.
7. Leadership Education Week held by KSM Eka Prasetya UI 2007.
8. The Second National Workshop about Indonesia’s Defense held in KRI Makassar-590 sail with route Jakarta-Makassar-Tarakan- Karang Unarang/ Ambalat- Pulau Sebatik- Balikpapan- Surabaya.
9. Dutch Course in Erasmus Taalcentrum 2006-2007.